Potion Cooking


During my first year of Bachelor in Games Programming and as part of the module of Unity basics, I was asked to create a full game in Unity.


In a medieval fantasy world, there is, at the bottom of a forest, a magic fast-potion stand. Customers come to ask for a magic potion and they are served in the shortest time.

You play as the potion-making sorcerer. You are therefore requested to welcome the customers, choose the ingredients, manage the cooking, fill the containers and then serve the clients.

For this, you have access to 4 windows: Ingredient, Cooking, Preparation, and Reception.

Customers have a waiting limit before they get angry and leave.


I first work on the camera of the game allowing the player to switch between each step of the preparation.

Then, I developed a Drag’n Drop System to manipulate brewing ingredients.

The next step was to developed the interaction between each object. To manage the recipe, I use ScriptableObject.

Finally, I had time to add some signs and feedback for the cooking and the customer.

I also create all the graphism allowing me to practice using Illustrator.

Learned Skills

It allows me to practice in Unity and discover a lot of mechanics.

This project taught me why and how to use the ScriptableObjects.

Finally, it was my first game on mobile allowing me to learn a lot about Android development in Unity.


More information

You can check the Github of the project : https://github.com/FloreauLuca/Penguin-Collector

You can also check the Technical Document (only in french) : https://github.com/FloreauLuca/floreauluca.github.io/blob/master/Data/Blogpost/potioncooking/DocTechnique.pdf