

During my second year of Bachelor in Games Programming and as part of the module of computer graphics, we were asked to create a Minecraft-like in C++ using the NekoEngine.

The NekoEngine is a custom game engine developed in C++ by Elias Farhan. It is an engine based on the ECS system. It uses the OpenGL ES 3.0, SDL2, and EasyProfiler libraries.


The project is a Minecraft-like allowing the player to navigate through an infinite voxel world to break and build blocks


One of my first tasks was the implementation of Gizmo using OpenGL. We had to be able to draw cubes and lines for debugging.

Gif of CheckVisibleChunks

Next, I had to implement an AABBManager allowing the detection of intersection between two AABB, one AABB, and a raycast or an AABB and a sphere.

I also have to implement a multi-threaded infinite chunk generation. You can learn more in my blogpost : https://floreauluca.github.io/blogposts/chunk-generation

To optimize, I also implement the occlusion culling of non-viewable blocks of each chunk.

Learned Skills

This project was my first complete game in C++ and the first project with a big team of programmers.

I learn a lot about C++ development and optimization.

I also understood better multi-threading and job systems.

Finally, it also taught a lot about graphics rendering with OpenGL.


Check out the release : https://github.com/LoshkinOleg/NekoEngine/releases

More information : Infinite Chunk Generation Blogpost : https://floreauluca.github.io/blogposts/chunk-generation Full GitHub : https://github.com/LoshkinOleg/NekoEngine